Big Hill Trails is another great hiking trail in the Black Hills. Like Eagle Cliff Trails, there are separate trails for snowshoers and cross-country skiers, ensuring everyone has a place to play in the snow. The parking lot, just across the road, is also an access point for the Black Hills Snowmobile trail system. So this area is a launching point for many winter activities.

Big Hill Trail is a total of 16.5 mile of trails. In the winter the purpose of each trail is clearly marked. They work hard keeping the cross-country ski trails groomed, so use the other trails if you are not cross-country skiing.
How do you get to Big Hill Trails?
Big Hill Trails is located about 8 miles southwest of Spearfish on FSR 134 also called Tinton Road. It is a pretty good gravel road, but you’ll want to have 4WD is you are driving it in the winter.
More Information.
The Black Hills National Forest website has free maps.
I carry my Black Hills – Northeast, South Dakota Trails Illustrated Map #751 with me because it has the trails well marked, but it has all the forest service roads in the area too. It is easy to get “turned around†in the Black Hills, so I always carry a good map.
Other trails in the area I enjoy in the winter are: Eagle Cliff Trails, Roughlock trail, Englewood Trailhead and Iron Creek in Spearfish Canyon.